Press Releases

Honoring Loyal Employees

A total of 18 colleagues, 325 years of service - this is the result of the first anniversary celebration, which took place at groninger in July. Every six months, the family company honors long-standing employees for their loyalty to the company.

The company owners, Jens and Volker Groninger, never miss this event—the anniversary celebration that takes place twice a year, which is the case for the current edition.

On this day, 18 employees have a reason to celebrate. They are honored for 10, 25, 30 and even 40 years of service. As always, it is a relaxed event and people get to chat.

For example, you find out that Manfred Ley, who is being honored for 30 years of service, taught Volker Groninger “how to use screwdrivers”. I cannot imagine the company without the fitter for many reasons, he is virtually part of the groninger’s inventory, says Volker Groninger.

On the other hand, when he thinks about the collaboration with Andreas Schmid, who has also been employed with groninger for 30 years, the Managing Director still breaks into a sweat today: “We had real trouble with one of the lines and the customer was on our backs. I smoked one cigarette after another. Fortunately, Andreas Schmid remained calm and calmed me down too” admits Volker Groninger with a laugh.

On this day, Jens Groninger once again emphasizes the attitude of the shareholder family: “A company is only as good as its employees.” In the first half of the year, the turbulent times were handled well. The year 2022 will be marked by uncertainties and global crises. “However, if we continue to stand together as we have done in the past, I am confident that we will also end this financial year successfully.” In order for this to be successful, the Managing Director also states that all employees are needed, but especially the jubilarians, who take on a special position within the company due to their experience and knowledge. “Let’s continue to help ensuring that our groninger ship continues to sail forward in the future and is able to outbrave the heaviest storms.”


Honored for...

... 40 years of service: Ulrich König

... 30 years of service: Manfred Kreisel, Manfred Ley, Martin Mücke, Andreas Schmid, Doris Wild

... 25 years of service: Matthias Egetemeyr

... 10 years of service: Christian Birret, Sabine Dinkel, Sarah-Bernadette Dürr, Frank Hahn, Thomas Hofmann, Alexander Klein, Daniel Kohler, Matthias Pilz, Sarah Schramm, Alexander Seeßle, Inge Trumpp

Press Contact

Lydia-Kathrin Hilpert